Delafé Testimonies Goes to India!

What a journey.

In less than two years of launching Delafé Testimonies, we've recorded testimonies in four countries; The United States, El Salvador, Mexico, and our most recent visit, India! What a journey, and we're only getting started 💪 In today's newsletter we'll share some photos from our trip to India, a powerful new testimony, and our prayer points for February!

Eric Villatoro

We got the incredible honor to visit Love N Care ministries in Visakhapatnam, India. The invitation came through our home church, King of the Nations, and we can't even fully put into words how impactful this trip was to our ministry. Though we, unfortunately, did not capture a lot of behind-the-scenes videos, because of the uncertainty of being in a persecuted country, we did capture A LOT of photos we are specifically only sharing with you!

In the photo's you'll see all the kids from Love-N-Care Ministries children's home, baptisms in the tribal villages, and lots of random photos without much context, but hopefully, they will give you a little window into what God is doing at Delafé!

Also, this week's testimony will be from Love-N-Care Ministries president and founder Dr. Yesupadam. You do not want to miss this one!

Although Jesse grew up in a loving Christian home with both parents, he fell into deep levels of addiction. Jesse was introduced to pornography at a young age and carried on with this addiction and heaviness for many years.

Before saying yes to Jesus, we don’t know we need God, so we reach out to things that never satisfy us [or edify us] and we lose ourselves. The devil himself assigned this strategy to take hold of Jesse's life and keep him in bondage, but Jesus rescued him. He didn’t call Jesse by his sin; He called him by name; He called him His son.

Ready to watch? Click here.

Wow, what a blessing it is to pray; it is so refreshing and powerful. For those that don't know, we have prayer on the first Monday of every month, and as I mentioned in our last newsletter, I felt the Lord lead us to expand our prayer meetings to the nations, and we did so in a unique way. People from all over the world joined! It was a privilege to connect and pray with our Delafé community. There is a shift in the spirit when we come together, and we encourage you to join us each month. We can't wait to see everyone again and meet new faces! ❤️ Until then, here are our prayer points for February. Please keep us in your prayers!

Sign up for our prayer newsletter to receive reminders for every prayer meeting. The next meeting will be on March 6th, 2023.

🔥 Other Highlights of the Week!

  • GodTV covers Isaiah Saldivar's Testimony.

  • Next week we are heading to London & Germany!

  • Ready to testify? Submit your testimony here.